

OpenBIM-based Integrated Urban Road Maintenance Planning Framework (Grant No.: 9043355 / UGC HK, PI)

Developing a formalized urban road rehabilitation data model that integrates open building information modeling (OpenBIM), open geographic information systems (OpenGIS), and domain-specific analysis tools. This integration enables the synchronization of high-resolution assessments, relying on versatile data and computational resources, to support comprehensive and consistent planning and management or urban road rehabilitation.

Schematic implementation of the integrated urban road rehabilitation planning and management process
BIM-based slope design optimization for road projects (Grant No.: 9231342, PI)

The research aims to identify and integrate the fragmented and heterogeneous data needed for road slope design by Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) extension to improve interoperability and to formalize and automate the overall process of road slope design. A prototype has been developed for implementation. The research scope has been further extended to design optimization with the support of an improved data exchange process.

The implementation process for integrated slope stability analysis for road projects based on BIM
Q-learning-based Schedule Generation for Excavating Hard Rock Tunnels under Resource Constraints (Grant No.: 9048140 / UGC HK, PI)
Developing a formal schedule evaluation methodology for resource constrained hard rock tunnel projects.
Developing Q-learning-based schedule optimization methodology for hard rock tunnel projects.
Case Study to Validate the Proposed Schedule Evaluation and Q-Learning-Based Schedule Optimization Methodologies for Resource Constrained Hard Rock Tunnel Projects
A BIM-based Integrated Thermal Control Methodology for Subway Stations for Smart City Development (Grant No.: 9229067, PI)
A methodology is proposed to assess the energy savings of dynamic passenger adaptive thermal control strategies in subway stations.
The methodology integrates building energy modeling and passenger flow simulation.
A prototype is developed to implement the methodology using AnyLogic and EnergyPlus.
The methodology is applied to a Hong Kong subway station.
Integration of passenger flow simulation and energy performance simulation based on BIM and its result for an example subway station
BIM-based Integrated Facility Management Framework for Railway Systems (Grant No.: 7005972, PI)

This research proposes a BIM-based railway track facility management framework. The first step is to integrate and visualize the multi-source information into IFC-based openBIM environment. Then the deterioration process and inter-relationship of track defects will be determined by machine learning algorithms. Finally, the facility management plans will be optimized.

Provisional BIM-based Integrated Facility Management Framework for Railway Track
Deep Learning-based Activity Recognition Framework for On-site Construction Workers (Grant No.: 9042975 / UGC HK, PI)

With the growth of deep learning, graph convolutional networks (GCNs) excel in skeleton-based action recognition. However, GCN models often rely on body connections, not ideal for complex tasks. This study introduces a topological graph approach based on body segments. A multiple-input streams attention (MISA) network enhances GCNs with comprehensive input graphs, integrating motion data and attention blocks. Experiments on the Construction Motion Library (CML) dataset achieved approximately 84.94% accuracy, showcasing the method's superiority.

Multiple-input streams attention (MISA) network for skeleton-based construction workers’ action recognition using body-segment representation strategies.
LOD2ES for CityGML: A novel level of details model for IFC-based building features extraction and energy simulation (Grant No.: 9239042, PI)

City-scale energy consumption simulations usually use the LOD2 format. However, the model contains little information and the accuracy of the calculation results is questionable. This study proposes a LOD2ES model based on IFC and also provides a top-down modeling method, which allows LOD2ES to retain a large amount of information while reducing modeling time and cost.

Workflow of extending LOD2 to LOD2ES
Integration of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Virtual Reality (VR) Technologies for Construction Engineering Education in Hong Kong (Grant No.: 6000703, PI)

Despite the rapid emergence of BIM-based VR applications, no evaluation framework specialized for the technologies exists in the construction industry. After extensively reviewing existing studies and interviewing experts, the research team proposed an evaluation framework for BIM-based VR applications, which consists of 3 stages, 5 areas, 14 criteria, and 29 metrics and focuses on the design phase of the projects. To assess the usefulness of the framework, the team applied it to five BIM-based VR applications using a BIM-based design project in Hong Kong.

Two participants communicate and collaborate through the VR application
Investigation of Building Information Modelling (BIM) Adoption in Hong Kong by Survey (Grant No.: 9231355, PI)
Understand the BIM market in Hong Kong with a baseline of BIM adoption
Identify key hurdles for BIM adoption
Recommend strategies and actions for CIC and the industry to advance BIM implementation
stablish a benchmarking methodology for Hong Kong’s BIM adoption in the futureconsistent results for comprehensive evaluation criteria and metrics in a quantitative and flexible manner
Distribution of BIM Leaders, Adopters, and Laggers in the Hong Kong industry, and patterns of BIM usage. The BIM uses surveyed include the 20 BIM uses listed by DEVB Technical Circular (Works) on Adoption of BIM (Construction Industry Council 2020)

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